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Buying Facebook Likes Is Bad

I love spam.  Not in the sense of actually loving it because really I HATE it.  (I’m using the word “hate” here, as Melvin Udall said.)  But I love it because it gives me so many topics to blog about and show our clients why the crap people are selling you on the internet is just that:  Crap. 

Take the spam message we received on our Facebook company page (see image below.)  People are still selling Facebook Likes, which means people are still buying them.  If consumers would wise up and stop buying this guff do you know how much spam would instantly go away?!  As long as there’s money to be made these people will still continue to fill your inbox with spam!

So why is buying Facebook Likes bad for your company and your Facebook page?

The Likers will never buy from you and will never be loyal to your brand
If the new Likes are generated by real people, those people are likely located in third world countries and made a nickel or a dime to Like your Facebook page.  They will never purchase anything from you, never have anything constructive to contribute to your Facebook page, and will never share your brand with a potential customer.  Even worse, the Like may have been generated by a bot, and as far as I know bots don’t have any buying power yet. (Yet.)

You won’t have those Likers for long
In 2012 Facebook announced they were taking extensive steps to weed out fake accounts and fake Likes.  The process is automated of course, so not only have companies seen fake Likes go away, they’ve also seen some legit ones scrubbed too.

Your Facebook page will still look like a ghost town
If your Likes are fake, people aren’t going to comment on and share your content.  When people comment on and share your content it helps to boost your message and get it in front of more people, and also helps your SEO.  

Facebook Promotions to fake Likers
If you plan on promoting your posts you’re going to pay to promote those posts to fake Likers.  Talk about throwing good money after bad!!

So just like absolutely everything else in the internet marketing industry, shortcuts will yield you fake short-term gains and absolutely no long-term payoff.  If a company is selling you tricks and sleight of hand it’s not because they care about your company, it’s because they are trying to make money off of you.  Any solid marketing company will be up front with you that marketing is honest, hard work and as long as you own your company you must be actively and effectively marketing if you want to thrive and grow.  It’s not as easy to sell that message but it’s just the way it is.

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