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We all want to be at the top of a Google search. The closer to the top of a Google search you are, the more customers will be able to find your business. Luckily, there are some ways to boost your Google ranking, thus increasing web traffic to your site. Adding a Secure Sockets Layer…
TECHXPO HOSTED BY Manatee Chamber of Commerce On November 3rd, the Manatee Chamber of Commerce will host the 2016 TechXpo at their Lakewood Ranch Office at the McClure Center 4215 Concept Court. The Techxpo will feature an all-star lineup of local technology experts including Webtivity’s very own Terry Thompson, who will help business owners, managers, and in-house IT staff gain the knowledge they…
And Waste Lots of Time and Money This company, we will call “some-company.com”, sells repair services in Timbuktu for burritos, chimichangas, tortillas, etc. (I’ve changed their real target keywords and phrases to protect them from embarrassment. ) In late 2009 “some-company.com” hired Webtivity to develop and execute a Search Engine Optimization Campaign for their website. …
“I know someone at Google!” Really? You know someone at Google? And they feed you proprietary information?? Even though engineers and employees in-the-know at search engine companies sign strict non-disclosure agreements? And even though they would go to jail for disclosing company trade secrets, they still give you that information?? Wow, what a pal!! True…
What’s the trade-off? Have you ever stopped to wonder how one company can offer a product at a much lower price than another? As an internet marketing company, we are exposed to many businesses in many industries that operate under many different business models. As we delve into the discovery process with each of our…
So what is SEO? Over the past few months we have talked about many of the title in the SEO industry and things to watch out for when hiring a company to help position your website in the major search engines. Now we would like to shift gears and talk about all the things that…